about Radu Albu
“There are no shortcuts in life, nor on the mountains. While one can aim high and strong, the summit is optional. Success is giving your all, and coming home safe” As a professional, Radu is attracted to Alpine Climbing and going at high altitudes without using supplemental oxygen. He’s now setting the stage to achieving his dream to climb safe all 14 peaks above 8,000 m, without the use of supplemental oxygen.
- High Altitude Climber
- Mountain Guide
- +8000m 14 Dreamer
- Alpine Climbing
- Hybrid Climbing Style
- High Altitude Lover
Blog Articles
Sharing the waw, the interesting, the adventures and the hard work behind achieving
20 September 2019Expeditiile mele montane de anul acesta au fost influentate de...
3 July 201985+ de persoane au ales sa sustina Campania de donatii...
29 June 2019COMUNICAT DE PRESA Alpinistul clujean Radu Albu a inceput expeditia de...
26 January 2019Am primit aceasta intrebare de la cativa din prietenii mei...
25 November 2018Radu Albu se pregateste sa inceapa 2019 cu o premiera romaneasca // Getting ready for a premiere for Romania as...
5 October 2018The first two days of the expedition: the journey with...
A summary of past and future personal expeditions

This expedition is a strong prerequisite to Everest. In terms of technicality Ama Dablam is considered harder than Everest.

Ama Dablam means „Mother’s necklace” as the long ridges on each side look like the arms of a mother protecting her child.

The first time I reached Island Peak’s summit was in 2016, now leading an International Expedition to summit the peak again.

Mt. Kilimanjaro is a good training for high altitude climbing, especially summiting it twice in a year: summer & winter ascent.

Challenging and unpredictable, the Mountain of the Soul will be my first +8,000er to summit and the start of reaching my dream.

Have summited it 5 times and I still find it beautiful and challenging. I love this capricious mountain and will keep returning.
2018 Expeditions
This is the list of the ongoing and upcoming expeditions during 2018

Expedition on Mt. Kilimanjaro
This was my first international expedition in the year of 2018. I was the organizer for this expedition and also a mountain guide for my...

Second time on Mt Kilimanjaro
In June I was leading a second expedition on Mt Kilimanjaro 5.895 m. Due to the high demands from trekkers and climbers for this...

Expedition on Mont Blanc
This expedition on Mont Blanc was the 5th expedition I organized on this mountain over the last 4 years. Every year I am climbing...

Expedition on Mt. Manaslu 8.163m
In August 31st I will depart Romania to be for 2 months in Nepal where I intend to climb for the first time Mt Manaslu 8.163 m...

Expedition on Mt. Ama Dablam 6.814m
My plans for the month of October after climbing down Mt Manaslu are to try to climb again Mt Ama Dablam 6.814 m...

Expedition on Island Peak 6.189m
For the second time (first in 2016) I will organize and lead an expedition on Island Peak 6.189 m. This year I will be just the organizer...
Our company is driven by high objectives and so is Radu. This is the reason why we want to stay close and offer our full support to his unbelievable expeditions.
We are guided by the same ambition that Radu has. We are glad to be part of the support team in his expeditions and hope that his objectives will be less harder with our help and support.
Radu is the leader of our team and we are behind his actions and encourage his objectives and care to fulfill all the dreams that he is sharing with us.